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AUGUST 22 /8:00 PM
AUGUST 24 / 8:00 PM
AUGUST 25 / 8:00 PM
AUGUST 26/ 8:00 PM
AUGUST 27/ 8:00 PM
AUGUST 28 / 8:00 PM
AUGUST 22 /8:00 PM
BAD SUN RISING / an unsound.com concert // Joseph Hammer // Nephila // Ga -Ga-Ga (Japan) // Toru Izumida (Japan) // Sho Tokura (Japan)
AUGUST 24 / 8:00 PM
Nikki Ochoa // MA HARMS // Jacob Wolff // Biiirth
AUGUST 25 / 8:00 PM
VAAAL & Noah Lifschey present THE AUDITORY LABORATORY / Jesse Clayton // VAAAL // Noah Lifschey // Nic Danielson
AUGUST 26/ 8:00 PM
Suspirium presents TEN-HEADED SKELETON’s Onslaught of the Dead (epidose 1 of 6) // Ten-Headed Skeleton // Breakdancing Ronsald Reagan // Death Envy // Insufficient Despair
AUGUST 27/ 8:00 PM
Special Collections // Boring Apocalypse // Invisible Dog // Scalpy + Meanstreetz
AUGUST 28 / 8:00 PM
NON-STANDARD: Free Jazz Jam Night Vol. 7
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Suspirium showcases art-forward, dynamic performances that are experimental, confrontational, thought-provoking, informative, hilarious, or just plain strange. Music, dance, AV, fine art, and performance art have all graced (and sometimes soiled) our stage.
While many of our events are home-baked, we are always on the lookout for curators and promoters who share our vision. If you have an act or event you think would be a good fit for us, let us know!
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